How to Type 10 Fingers?
Nowadays, with the increasing number of operations we do on the computer, it has become important to write faster and even 10 fingers on the keyboard. You may need this speed, especially if you are writing code or text. How to Type 10 Fingers? While the average person's typing speed is around 40 words per minute, learning to type with all 10 fingers can help you increase your speed and efficiency. Here are a few tips to help you get started: Start by learning the home row keys. These are the keys your fingers should be on when you are not typing. For most people, these will be the ASDF and JKL keys. Once you are comfortable with the home row, start practising moving your fingers to the other keys. Notice which keys are under which fingers and try to keep your fingers as close to the main row as possible. As you continue to practise, start to increase your speed. There are a number of typing games and programmes that can help with this. Finally, make sure you take frequent breaks. ...